In school, 4th graders typically face new challenges and expectations. For example, 4th graders are expected to have made the shift from "learning to read" to "reading to learn." ~Mike Anderson (Educational Leadership: Vol. 68, issue 7)

Friday, December 17, 2010

Happy Holidays

I hope that you all have an amazing vacation and that your Christmas and New Year is special and meaningful to your family. Remember, there is no school until Monday, January 3rd. I'll see you then.
~Mrs. Jagla

Monday, December 13, 2010

Homework 12/13-12/17

I'm sorry I forgot to post last week's homework assignments.

There will be no math homework this week. That is my Christmas gift to the students; that and I need to catch up on all the homework already turned in.

There will be math club Tuesday, 12/14/10, from 2:50 - 4:00.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Homework 11/29-12/5

Today's homework is a double-sided worksheet. During math, we practiced making tables to organize our thinking when solving word problems. Students will be solving two word problems using tables to organize their work.

Tuesday & Wednesday:
Today's homework (Tuesday) is a double-sided worksheet. It is a continuation of yesterday's math lesson when we made tables to organize our thinking to solve word problems. Student will need to solve the problem on each side of the worksheet, making tables to show their thinking.

Only the Jaguars received the homework today because I forgot to give it to Mrs. Woodley's students and I didn't see Mrs. Alto's students. So...these two classes will get it on Wednesday and my students will not receive homework tomorrow.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Homework 11/22-11/28

As I sit in the airport, waiting for my flight to Miami, I realized I hadn't posted homework for the week. See, I'm thinking of you.

Monday: number corner pages 31-33
Tuesday: pages 34-36
Wednesday: pages 37-39

Your book will be collected Monday, November 29. I did remember to write the assignments on the whiteboard, so no excuses.

I miss everyone already!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Progress Reports

I will be sending progress reports home with the Jaguar group, my home room, today. Hopefully, I will send progress reports home with Mrs. Alto and Mrs. Woodley's classes tomorrow.

The last day of the first trimester is November 30. Report cards will be sent home on Friday, Dec. 10. The progress reports will be the last one to go out before report cards.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Homework 11/15-11/21

There will be worksheets each night this week. They are to be completed on the day they are given and returned the following day. We are reviewing concepts we have already worked on this year.

Students will be identifying the place value of large numbers. For example: 32,814,759 the 32 is millions, 814 is thousands, and 759 are hundreds.

Some students will be taking home a worksheet with basic math facts on it. They are to complete the worksheet and bring it back tomorrow. Also, some students did not finish their "problem-solving" worksheet in class today and will be finishing them at home tonight.

Last week we looked at the strategies for multiplying by 8's and 9's. Today students will practice those strategies and will represent the factors and products on an area grid.

Today students will be identifying the place value of digits in a large number. For example:
32,814,759 the 3 is ten millions, 2 is millions, 8is hundred thousands, 1 is ten thousands, 4 is thousands, 7 is hundreds, 5 is tens and the 9 is ones.

Students will be reviewing "measuring with centimeters." They will have 2 worksheets. The first sheet is to be cut out and taped together to make a centimeter ruler. This is to be used to measure items around the house, that are listed on the second worksheet, and recorded. Hopefully students have fun with this activity.

As usual, students should read for 30 minutes every day during the week and hopefully some time on the weekend. This is the best way to become better readers. The reading logs are due on Monday, November 22.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Veterans' Day Wall

As many of you know, the fourth graders have been learning why we take time off school to honor the men and women who have served in one of the military branches. We have created our own Veterans' Wall with the name of friends and family members who have served, or are currently serving, our country in the military.

If you would like to add a name to the wall, you may press the "comment" link below and tell me the name, what branch of the military the person served (serves) in, and if he or she was part of a war. We have people on our wall from WWII through the Iraq war and some who are currently serving in the military. We will have the wall up through the month of November and you are more than welcome to come in and see it for yourself. It is located next to room 306.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Substitute November 22-24

I wanted to let you know that I will not be here the week before Thanksgiving, November 22, 23, and 24. I will be going to Miami to visit family. I hope that everyone has a safe and happy Thanksgiving Holiday.

Homework 11/8-11/14

Monday: Number Corner book, pp. 22-24
On pages 22 & 23, student will be working on strategies for multiplying by six. One strategy is to think of multiplying by three and then double it.
For example:

This strategy helps students break the problem down in to smaller factors they feel more comfortable with. Another great strategy you can do at home is to have your student skip count by sixes. 6,12,18,24,32...

Tuesday: Number Corner book, pp. 25-27
Pages 25 & 26 work on strategies for multiplying by 8. Students who have a hard time with the eights can think about multiplying by fours than doubling (x2).
For example:
8x7=(4x7)2 or 8x7=(4x7)+(4x7)
8x7=(28)x2 8x7=28+28
8x7=56 8x7=56

Another strategy: Since 2 times 2 times 2 is 8; doubling 3 times great! (p.25 of book)
8x7= 7 doubled 3 times
Double once: 7+7=14
Double twice: 14+14=28
Double three times: 28+28=56

On page 27, students will be working on problem solving.

Wednesday: Number Corner book, pp. 28-30
Pages 28 & 29 are working with strategies for multiplying with 9s. The one mentioned is multiplying by 10, than subtracting.
For example:

There are many strategies for multiplying by 9 and your child may use the one that works best for him or her.

Page 30 is solving word problems. These are important because students need to understand how to read the problem, identify what the question is asking them to do and know what steps they need to take to find the solution. Many of these problems have more than one step and students need to perform all of them.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Homework 11/1-11/5

Monday: There is no homework today.

Tuesday: No homework because some groups did not get to practice the math in class enough to do it alone at home.

Wednesday: Same as Tuesday.

Thursday: A Home Connection worksheet. Students are to practice identifying the dimensions and area of an array created with base 10 pieces.

Friday-Sunday: Don't forget to read this weekend.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Homework 10/25-10/29

Monday: There is no homework today. I did not have a chance to go through all of the number corner books and could not return them for new homework.

Tuesday: Students received a worksheet for their homework today. On one side, they are working with multiples of 4. The strategy is to "double-double." For example: 4x8= (2x8)+(2x8). If they can remember what 2x8= than they can multiply 2x8=16 so 16+16=32, thus 4x8=32. There are several multiplication expressions toward the bottom of the page. Students need to circle 3 of the expressions and find the product (answer in a multiplication problem).

On the other side, they will need to complete a "crossword" puzzle with numbers. We did go over this in class, but if they have any questions I will e available before school tomorrow morning.

This sheet is due Wednesday.

Some students did have a chance to work on it during class, while other students were finishing a test, and they may already be done.

Wednesday & Thursday: Students will receive a worksheet with addition problems at their level tonight. It is 2 sided, but one side should be completed on Wednesday and the other on Thursday. It is due Friday, October 29th.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Homework for the week of 10/18-10/22

Due to the short days this week, I was only able to see each math group one time. The only homework for the week is in the Number Corner book, pp. 19, 20 & 21. The books should be turned in Friday, Oct. 22nd, but may be turned in Monday, Oct 25th since some students may not have time to finish it by Friday.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Students make the best connections

As you know, I teach math to all the fourth graders. Well, during lunch today a student, representing several girls, asked me, "Mrs. Jagla, can someone be a quarter Mexican?"

"Yes." I responded as she looked at her group. Then I explained, "My dad is Mexican, but my mom is..."

"Americana." She interrupted.

"Right. So, that makes me 1/2 Mexican. My daughters and son's dad is Americano, so my children are each 1/4 (a quarter) Mexican."

Her response, "Mrs. Jagla, you just turned family into math and math into family."

I love it when students make real-life connections to math! :)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Conference Week

October 18-22 is parent-teacher conference week. All fourth grade teachers sent home notices with a date and time for conferences. Please make sure you check with your child if you haven't seen it yet. The bottom portion is to be returned to let me know if the time works for you of if we need to change it. I look forward to meeting all of you.
Mrs. Jagla

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Homework 10/11-10/17 Due: Monday 10/18

Monday: Number Corner book pages: 11, 12 & 13
problem solving and working on the math fact x4

Tuesday: Number Corner book pages 14,15 & 16
problem solving and working on the math facts x5

Wednesday: Number Corner pages 17 & 18
problem solving

Thursday: Multiples of 3 sheet
Students should time themselves to see how fast the can do 100 multiplication facts. The fourth grade standard is 100 facts in 5 minutes.

Please note: I have note been able to find where my substitute placed the students basic facts tests. As soon as I find them I will be able to send home new flash cards. We will have our next facts test on Monday, Oct. 18th.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

What did 0 say to 8?

"Nice belt..." That joke wasn't the only thing I learned at the Northwest Mathematics Conference in Spokane, Oct. 7-9th. There were so many great speakers and presenters and I learn a lot, but I'm not sure how I'm going to get all my new learning into the math class. How can you help? Ask your child to show you all the different arrays you have at home. For example, an egg carton is a 2x6 array. There are 2 rows with 6 eggs in each row. There are a total of 12 eggs because 2x6=12. I have a book shelf that is a 3x2 array because there are 3 shelves in 2 columns. Altogether there are 6 shelves because 3x2=6. You get the idea. :0)

Basic Math Facts: Flash Cards

Multiplication side.

Basic Math Facts: Flash Cards

Division side of flash cards.

Basic Math Facts

Every Friday, I will be sending home basic facts flash cards. It will be geared to each student based on the multiplication facts he or she is working on in class. Each week students take a timed multiplication test, start with multiples of 2 (2x0 through 2x12). They must get 22/25 equations correct, in 1 minute, to move on to the next level. If a student passes the multiple of 2 test, s/he will then do the division by 2 fact test. When s/he passes that test, with 22/25, s/he moves on to the multiples of 3, etc. Students are to cut the flash cards an practice. Multiplication is on one side and division is on the other side. The numbers in bold (on the division side) are the product, answer in multiplication, and the quotient, answer to a division equation, are the numbers in bold on the multiplication side. I have gone over this with the students, because it's obviously a little confusing, so each child should know this information.

Knowing the Homework

Knowing what to do for homework always seems to be a problem for many students. Although students have a homework log, they carry to each class, it never seems like there is enough time for all students to fill in the log and be prepared to do the homework in the evening. To help students more, I have written a HOMEWORK SCHEDULE on my whiteboard. Whenever I assign homework in math or English grammar, I write the homework assignment on the whiteboard. The students should also be writing it on their homework log sheet. When I assign pages in the Number Corner math book, I always go over the pages i assign with the class and have them write the date on the pages to be completed. If I give math handouts for homework, I go over them and ask students to write their name on the paper before leaving class. I do keep a blue box labeled, "No names." If your student is missing a worksheet, but believes it was turned in, he or she should look in the box. Hopefully, together, we can make sure that every knows what is expected for math homework and can complete the work consistently.

Venom Visit

On Friday, October 1st, Mr. Goodman (#3 on the Wenatchee Venom arena football team) came to our class and read to the students. He was a great reader and the kids enjoyed the book. He took the time to answer student questions, sign autographs at recess, and gave students a Venom sticker. The students were very excited about his visit and wrote him Thank You notes last week.

Royalty of the Universe Week

Because I believe all boys are princes and all girls are princess, I am once again hosting a royalty of the week. Each week a student will be the prince or princess of the week. She, or he, will get the Royalty of the Universe bag on Friday. The next Monday, the student may bring photos to display in class. On Tuesday, the student may show and tell three items that are special to him or her. Wednesday, we will read a letter written by you, the parents, about how wonderful and loved your child is. I will include paper and envelope in the Royalty of the Universe bag for your use. This will also be displayed in class. On Thursday or Friday, parents are invited to have lunch with your child at school, if possible. On Friday, the prince or princess is crowned and then hands the bag to the next prince or princess. After everyone has participated, we will have a "royal ball" to celebrate all the prince and princess of our classroom. I will be sending home a schedule so you and your child know which week they are featured as the prince or princess. There is also a schedule displayed in the class.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Homework 4/12-4/16

There will be no homework Monday and Tuesday, except reading at home and the reading logs. However, there will be math and literacy homework Wednesday and Thursday this week.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Letters to the President

During the month of January, both Dual Language groups learned about President Obama's desire to have students attend school longer hours. Students wrote expository letters to the president explain how they felt about more time in school, some agreed and some disagreed with the president's idea, and explained why they felt the way they did.

A member of the School District Cabinet found out about the project and the next thing you know, the district news reported asked for an interview. She came to our class and heard some of the students discussing the topic. She interviewed some students and wanted copies of their letters.

Now, the news article is on the home page of the WSD, but I have included a link in the right-hand column so you can read the article and take a look at some of the letters.

We will be sharing letters to the President at our Dual Language Night on Tuesday, March 16th. I hope you can be there to hear your children reading their letters.

Homework 3/8-3/12

Monday: pp. 132-135
Tuesday: pp. 136-137
Wednesday: pp. 138-142
Thursday: 144-147

Jaguar Math-Number Corner Book
Monday: No homework
Tuesday: pp. 72-73
Thursday: pp.76-77

Both books are due Friday.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Homework 3/1 - 3/5

There was no homework on Monday and Tuesday.

Wed. 3/3/10: Daybook pp. 124-127. Students are looking at the decisions characters to make as a way of understanding the characters more. The lesson for this section is looking at a characters "Point of View" or perspective. Students need to underline sentences that show Mamie's point of view and sentences that show Mama's point of view. In the response section, students are to make inferences about Mamie and Mama based on their perspectives.

Inference-a prediction, a conclusion, or an interpretation.

Thur. 3/4/10: Daybook pp. 128-131

I have told the students that we are now in the middle of the school year and I am expecting to see things in their work that we have been learning all year. At the beginning of the year I gave each student a Non-negotiable sheet for their homework folder. Students should be writing complete sentences, capitals at the beginning of every sentence, punctuation at the end of each sentence, and spelling the words listed correctly. They should not be using pronouns such as he, she, or they in their answers.

Students are required to write at least 3 response notes per page.

If there are pages not done in the homework I will assign it an incomplete, I will no longer give scores for work that is only part done.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Homework 2/22/10

There will be no homework today because I have not had the chance to finish scoring all the Number Corner books or the Daybooks. We will have homework the rest of the week though.

Mrs. Jagla

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Homework 2/17-2/19

Wednesday: pp.104-107. Students are studying how a character's reaction helps the reader to understand the character better. They will need to underline the character's reactions to events that create a strong picture in the reader's mind. Then they will sketch or write about the image.

I want 3 responses per page.

Thursday: pp. 108-111. Today students will be studying Point of View~the character's way of looking at things. They will need to underline Carlos' point of view. Next, they need to write about what they have learned about Carlos in the response notes. Again, I want at least 3 responses per page.

Both assignments are due on Friday.

Wednesday: No homework. I am still reviewing the Number Corner books for last week's assignments.

Thursday: Students will receive a problem-solving worksheet, front and back, in Spanish today. Connection 36~students will need to find as many combinations of clothes Rafael can wear if he has 3 shirts and 3 pairs of pants. Connection 37~students will need to show how many different combinations of food can be made for a picnic. They will need one plate (plato) of food and one drink (bebida).

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Homework 2/16/10

There will be no homework for the Daybook or the Number Corner book today. Last Thursday, my substitute did not collect either book so I need them to get scores.

Additionally, the MAPS quiz has been reschedule from this Wednesday to the Wednesday of next week. That means students have one more week to study.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Homework 2/8-2/11

Daybook Assignments
Monday: pp. 94-97 We are working on sensory images-words that help us make a picture by triggering sensory details (sight, sound, smell, taste & touch). Sensory images help readers visualize or "see" what's happening in a story or informational text. Students are to underline phrases, in their reading, that create strong sensory images and then write about them in the note section of their Daybook.

Tuesday: pp. 98-the top of 101. Today students will read an excerpt from the book How to Eat Fried Worms. Again, they are to notice sensory details and underline phrases that create a strong mental image. They can write or draw about these images in the response column.

Wednesday: pp. 101 (bottom half)-103. Answer all questions based on the reading.

The Daybook assignments are due on Thursday, February 11, 2010.

Math Homework
This is a fairly easy week in math. We are working on Probability: the chance something will happen, from (0% chance) impossible...unlikely...equally likely/equally certain (100% chance). The best way to learn and make observations about probability it through games (lucky us). There is not much homework this week.

Monday: The Trading Station Math worksheet due 2/9/10
Tuesday: No homework
Wednesday: Number Corner book pp.64-67 due 2/11/10

Monday, February 1, 2010

Homeroom Homework: Daybooks

Here is the schedule for Homeroom homework in the Daybooks this week. Students are responsible for the following pages in their Daybooks:

Monday: pp.84-the top half of 87. Students will underline new facts and respond to them with questions of comments.

Tuesday: pp. 87-88. Students will answer questions regarding the article on bats.

Wednesday: pp. 89-91. Students will underline important facts in a poem and answer

Thursday: p. 91. Students will synthesize information from the story and poem of the week, and also other stories we have read about animals, in the Daybook. The question asks about "maintaining balance" in the animal world. This is not about whether the animals can keep their balance, but refers to how the animal world works to maintain a balance between predator/prey, good/bad, or whatever the students can think of.

Jaguar Math Homework

Here is the schedule for the Jaguar Group's math homework. They will be responsible to complete the following pages in their Number Corner book:
Monday: pp. 43-46
Tuesday: pp. 55 & 56
Wednesday: pp. 57 & 58
Thursday: pp. 60-62

The Number Corner books will be due during Jaguar Math on Friday, February 5th.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Finally, a new post

Obviously, it's been a while since I have posted to my blog. I wasn't sure if anyone was visiting it, and I didn't get much feed back, so I let my busy schedule take over. Last week, a parent mentioned looking at the blog for homework information and I knew it was time to get back to work.

I will try to post homework assignments at the beginning of the week so parents and students may look it up at any time.

The fourth grade teachers have devised a system we hope will also help students to keep track of the homework in a more organized fashion. Each fourth grader has a spiral notebook where they are to write down any homework assignments for the day. They take the spiral from class to class: Literacy, Social Studies, Math, and homeroom. They should also take it home at night so they can do the homework properly. If there are any special instructions, I will have my students write information they need to know to do the homework correctly in their spiral as well.

There is a place on the table of contents sheet for students to "check" off work they complete. There is also a space where they can write the score they received on the assignment so you may regularly check on their progress.

I hope the new system works out to every one's advantage. :)