In school, 4th graders typically face new challenges and expectations. For example, 4th graders are expected to have made the shift from "learning to read" to "reading to learn." ~Mike Anderson (Educational Leadership: Vol. 68, issue 7)

Monday, October 25, 2010

Homework 10/25-10/29

Monday: There is no homework today. I did not have a chance to go through all of the number corner books and could not return them for new homework.

Tuesday: Students received a worksheet for their homework today. On one side, they are working with multiples of 4. The strategy is to "double-double." For example: 4x8= (2x8)+(2x8). If they can remember what 2x8= than they can multiply 2x8=16 so 16+16=32, thus 4x8=32. There are several multiplication expressions toward the bottom of the page. Students need to circle 3 of the expressions and find the product (answer in a multiplication problem).

On the other side, they will need to complete a "crossword" puzzle with numbers. We did go over this in class, but if they have any questions I will e available before school tomorrow morning.

This sheet is due Wednesday.

Some students did have a chance to work on it during class, while other students were finishing a test, and they may already be done.

Wednesday & Thursday: Students will receive a worksheet with addition problems at their level tonight. It is 2 sided, but one side should be completed on Wednesday and the other on Thursday. It is due Friday, October 29th.

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