In school, 4th graders typically face new challenges and expectations. For example, 4th graders are expected to have made the shift from "learning to read" to "reading to learn." ~Mike Anderson (Educational Leadership: Vol. 68, issue 7)

Monday, October 25, 2010

Homework 10/25-10/29

Monday: There is no homework today. I did not have a chance to go through all of the number corner books and could not return them for new homework.

Tuesday: Students received a worksheet for their homework today. On one side, they are working with multiples of 4. The strategy is to "double-double." For example: 4x8= (2x8)+(2x8). If they can remember what 2x8= than they can multiply 2x8=16 so 16+16=32, thus 4x8=32. There are several multiplication expressions toward the bottom of the page. Students need to circle 3 of the expressions and find the product (answer in a multiplication problem).

On the other side, they will need to complete a "crossword" puzzle with numbers. We did go over this in class, but if they have any questions I will e available before school tomorrow morning.

This sheet is due Wednesday.

Some students did have a chance to work on it during class, while other students were finishing a test, and they may already be done.

Wednesday & Thursday: Students will receive a worksheet with addition problems at their level tonight. It is 2 sided, but one side should be completed on Wednesday and the other on Thursday. It is due Friday, October 29th.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Homework for the week of 10/18-10/22

Due to the short days this week, I was only able to see each math group one time. The only homework for the week is in the Number Corner book, pp. 19, 20 & 21. The books should be turned in Friday, Oct. 22nd, but may be turned in Monday, Oct 25th since some students may not have time to finish it by Friday.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Students make the best connections

As you know, I teach math to all the fourth graders. Well, during lunch today a student, representing several girls, asked me, "Mrs. Jagla, can someone be a quarter Mexican?"

"Yes." I responded as she looked at her group. Then I explained, "My dad is Mexican, but my mom is..."

"Americana." She interrupted.

"Right. So, that makes me 1/2 Mexican. My daughters and son's dad is Americano, so my children are each 1/4 (a quarter) Mexican."

Her response, "Mrs. Jagla, you just turned family into math and math into family."

I love it when students make real-life connections to math! :)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Conference Week

October 18-22 is parent-teacher conference week. All fourth grade teachers sent home notices with a date and time for conferences. Please make sure you check with your child if you haven't seen it yet. The bottom portion is to be returned to let me know if the time works for you of if we need to change it. I look forward to meeting all of you.
Mrs. Jagla

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Homework 10/11-10/17 Due: Monday 10/18

Monday: Number Corner book pages: 11, 12 & 13
problem solving and working on the math fact x4

Tuesday: Number Corner book pages 14,15 & 16
problem solving and working on the math facts x5

Wednesday: Number Corner pages 17 & 18
problem solving

Thursday: Multiples of 3 sheet
Students should time themselves to see how fast the can do 100 multiplication facts. The fourth grade standard is 100 facts in 5 minutes.

Please note: I have note been able to find where my substitute placed the students basic facts tests. As soon as I find them I will be able to send home new flash cards. We will have our next facts test on Monday, Oct. 18th.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

What did 0 say to 8?

"Nice belt..." That joke wasn't the only thing I learned at the Northwest Mathematics Conference in Spokane, Oct. 7-9th. There were so many great speakers and presenters and I learn a lot, but I'm not sure how I'm going to get all my new learning into the math class. How can you help? Ask your child to show you all the different arrays you have at home. For example, an egg carton is a 2x6 array. There are 2 rows with 6 eggs in each row. There are a total of 12 eggs because 2x6=12. I have a book shelf that is a 3x2 array because there are 3 shelves in 2 columns. Altogether there are 6 shelves because 3x2=6. You get the idea. :0)

Basic Math Facts: Flash Cards

Multiplication side.

Basic Math Facts: Flash Cards

Division side of flash cards.

Basic Math Facts

Every Friday, I will be sending home basic facts flash cards. It will be geared to each student based on the multiplication facts he or she is working on in class. Each week students take a timed multiplication test, start with multiples of 2 (2x0 through 2x12). They must get 22/25 equations correct, in 1 minute, to move on to the next level. If a student passes the multiple of 2 test, s/he will then do the division by 2 fact test. When s/he passes that test, with 22/25, s/he moves on to the multiples of 3, etc. Students are to cut the flash cards an practice. Multiplication is on one side and division is on the other side. The numbers in bold (on the division side) are the product, answer in multiplication, and the quotient, answer to a division equation, are the numbers in bold on the multiplication side. I have gone over this with the students, because it's obviously a little confusing, so each child should know this information.

Knowing the Homework

Knowing what to do for homework always seems to be a problem for many students. Although students have a homework log, they carry to each class, it never seems like there is enough time for all students to fill in the log and be prepared to do the homework in the evening. To help students more, I have written a HOMEWORK SCHEDULE on my whiteboard. Whenever I assign homework in math or English grammar, I write the homework assignment on the whiteboard. The students should also be writing it on their homework log sheet. When I assign pages in the Number Corner math book, I always go over the pages i assign with the class and have them write the date on the pages to be completed. If I give math handouts for homework, I go over them and ask students to write their name on the paper before leaving class. I do keep a blue box labeled, "No names." If your student is missing a worksheet, but believes it was turned in, he or she should look in the box. Hopefully, together, we can make sure that every knows what is expected for math homework and can complete the work consistently.

Venom Visit

On Friday, October 1st, Mr. Goodman (#3 on the Wenatchee Venom arena football team) came to our class and read to the students. He was a great reader and the kids enjoyed the book. He took the time to answer student questions, sign autographs at recess, and gave students a Venom sticker. The students were very excited about his visit and wrote him Thank You notes last week.

Royalty of the Universe Week

Because I believe all boys are princes and all girls are princess, I am once again hosting a royalty of the week. Each week a student will be the prince or princess of the week. She, or he, will get the Royalty of the Universe bag on Friday. The next Monday, the student may bring photos to display in class. On Tuesday, the student may show and tell three items that are special to him or her. Wednesday, we will read a letter written by you, the parents, about how wonderful and loved your child is. I will include paper and envelope in the Royalty of the Universe bag for your use. This will also be displayed in class. On Thursday or Friday, parents are invited to have lunch with your child at school, if possible. On Friday, the prince or princess is crowned and then hands the bag to the next prince or princess. After everyone has participated, we will have a "royal ball" to celebrate all the prince and princess of our classroom. I will be sending home a schedule so you and your child know which week they are featured as the prince or princess. There is also a schedule displayed in the class.