In school, 4th graders typically face new challenges and expectations. For example, 4th graders are expected to have made the shift from "learning to read" to "reading to learn." ~Mike Anderson (Educational Leadership: Vol. 68, issue 7)

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Royalty of the Week

We have just completed our first Royalty of the Week. Our first Royalty was Luke F. and his squire was Jonah. Jonah did a wonderful job creating Luke's crown for the end of the week Royalty Crowning ceremony.

Each week, our class will celebrate one of our students. While your child is the Royalty of the Week (a Prince or Princess), each day will consist of an exciting event or activity to honor him or her.

Tuesday: Sharing Sack: During the week before a student is Royalty of the Week, a “Royalty Satchel” (bag) will be sent home with the child. Students have a week to collect 3 special items with which to fill the bag at home and bring it back to share with classmates on Monday. Students should also bring 12 photos of their choice to display on the Royalty of the Week bulletin board.

Wednesday: Parents will write a letter to the class telling us how special your child is to you. Send the letter in a sealed envelope to school with your child, and I will read the letter to the class at class meeting. The content of the letter is up to you, but you may want to choose from the following ideas: Describe special or funny stories about your child for the class to hear, write a silly or serious poem about your child, tell us some neat things we may not know about your child, send silly or special pictures with a letter describing the pictures, or write a short story with your child as the main character. You may also send a video, approximately 10 minutes or less in length, for the class to watch if you choose.

Thursday: If possible, join your child in the cafeteria for lunch on this day. You may also choose to invite a sibling or a favorite relative to be your child’s lunch buddy for the day. You can have the buddy be a surprise or let your child know ahead of time. Our lunch period is 12:15-12:45. Please let me know if you can be there so I can let the office know a head of time or if another day is better for you. You must check in at the office before joining your student.

Favorite Book: The Royalty of the Week brings one of his or her books to read to the class. Students can read the book aloud to the class if it can be read in less than 10 minutes or give a book-talk if the book is longer. Your child will receive a blank piece of paper to write the title, of their book and the author, on. They must also draw a picture of their favorite character or scene, or the cover of the book.

*Friday: Royalty Recognition: The student will be recognized by his or her classmates and presented with a "Royalty of the Week" crown.
• The events planned for Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday can be swapped in order to accommodate your personal schedules if you are planning to be a lunch buddy during the week.

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