In school, 4th graders typically face new challenges and expectations. For example, 4th graders are expected to have made the shift from "learning to read" to "reading to learn." ~Mike Anderson (Educational Leadership: Vol. 68, issue 7)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Homework 11/14/11-11/20/11

Mrs. Jagla's class:Reading every night for 30 minutes.

Math groups: Unfortunately we were testing all day Monday (reading and math), I am at a training on Tuesday and not in the class, and we will be taking a district required math test on Wedsnesday-we will not be having homework on Monday or Tuesday.

Most students still need to work on their basic math facts, so I will be sending practice sheets home on Wednesday and Friday for homework.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Homework 11/6-11/9

Reading every night for 30 minutes.

There is no math homework this week because we are testing during class.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Bingo Baskets are due this Friday, November 4th. However, I am behind on everything and have not done a good job promoting the baskets, thus we only have the items I have brought for it. I talked to Mrs. Talbot, who is in charge of the baskets, and I can turn my in next week.

SO, please send items in for our KITCHEN BASKET by next Friday. If you don't have the time to shop, just send in $2.00 for the basket fund. It will help us a lot.

Thanks for your support. Bingo Night is so much fun and we want all the baskets to be worth winning!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Homework 10/31-11/4

Number Corner pp. 13-14 Students will be using their multiplication strategies to solve problems featuring 4s and 5s.

Number Corner pp. 15-16

No homework because we are still working on the class activity.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Homework 10/24-10/28

Monday: Home Connection #13
This homework will not due until Wednesday because one group did not get it yet and a lot of students still have questions about it. We will be going over it, in class, on Tuesday.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Homework 10/3-10/7

Águilas-Number Corner book page 5
Wolves and Jaguars-Number Corner Book pages 5 & 6

No homework

Águilas: No. Corner pages 6, 7 & 8
Wolves and Jaguars: No. Corner pages 7 & 8

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Homework 9/26-9/30

There is no homework this week because we are learning new skills in math and I will not be at school Wednesday through Friday because I am in Kansas, Mo., working on math for the state of Washington.

Students in each group received a progress report or Tuesday or Wednesday. They need to be signed and returned to school the next day.

Thanks for your understanding.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Homework 9/22

Some students may have Number Corner homework today, if they did not finish it during math. They are working with place value (base 10 pieces, modern numbers and ancient egyptian symbols) and decimeters/centimeters. It is due tomorrow 9/23/11.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Off and Running!

Sorry I haven't been here for a while. It's been a very busy, but good, September. We have a wonderful fourth grade class and everyone is ready to learn!

Tonight is Curriculum. We'll be explaining all the fourth grade expectations for homework and fourth grade standards. I hope we have a big crowd!

I need to mention the homework we've had since school started. I am catching up, but promise to do a better job posting all homework assignments so parents and students can look it up when needed.

Sept. 8: Home Connection #4-Story Problems due 9/9/11
Sept. 14: Home Connect # 5-Area Models due 9/15/11
Sept. 15: Cracking the Code-Place Value due 9/16

Sept. 20: Factors of 36 and 48 with graph paper due 9/22/11
Except the Águila group who will get it 9/22 and it will be due 9/27

Sept. 21: The Jaguars may have 2 story problems that focus on patterns, if they did not finish it during iTime today. It is due 9/22.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Fourth Grade School Suplie List


Please have students write their names on their spiral notebooks and composition books only. We will be using the other supplies as a classroom.

3 dozen #2 pencils
1 box facial tissue (large)
If your last name begins with:
A-M 1 box gallon Ziploc bags
N-Z 1 box sandwich Ziplock bags
2 packages of pencil tip erasers
1-4 pack glue sticks
1 pair Fiskars scissors
3 spiral notebooks, wide-ruled
1 subject (min. 70 pg)
1 spiral notebook of square centimeter graph paper (math)
1 pencil box or zipper bag
1 set of colored pencils
1 pencil sharpener with lid
2 containers of Clorox or Lysol wipes

Note: PLEASE do not bring a 3-ring binder
not needed this year.

Lista de útiles escolares 2011-2012

3 docenas de lápices #2
1 cajas de Kleenex (grande)
A-M 1 pkg. bolsas de galon Ziploc
N-Z 1 pkg. bolsas de sandwich Ziplock
2 paquetes de borradores para poner en el lápiz
2 paquetes de 4 tubos de pegamento
1 par de tijeras
3 cuadernos de espiral, de rengión ancho (min. 70 hojas)
1 cuadernos de espiral para matemáticas con centímetros cuadrados
1 caja o bolsa con cierre para los lápices
1 caja de lápices de color
1 sacapuntas con tapadera
2 botes de toallitas de cloro o lysol
Nota: Por favor no traiga cartapacios de 3 anillos/no los ocuparemos esta año.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

APPs for your iTouch or iPad

Did you know you can get free educational apps on your iTouch or iPad? Here are just a couple that I've found to help students:

*Awesome Flash Cards for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
*My Math Flash Cards
*ArithmeTick-Math Flash Cards
*Flash Cards by Parents

*iCaramba Spanish Course
*iCaramba Spanish Course Dictionary
*1000 Spanish (flash cards)

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Great Books to Read Over the Summer

Mrs. Velázquez will be starting a new with the 4th and 5th grader during the 2011-12 school year...Battle of the Books. Here's what she says about it:

Battle of the Books.....
is a voluntary reading incentive program for students. A battle is a game, like the College Bowl, in which student teams earn points by answering questions on the reading list. Classroom teams compete at the end of each trimester and get to keep the Battle of the Books Trophy in their classroom for the following trimester.

What fourth grade teachers are saying about it:
This is a great way to try out different genres and leveled books. Students do not have to participate in Battle of the Books, but we will be reading several of the books, from the reading list, for homework and students will be creating end of the book projects (like diaramas) to demonstrate what they read.

First Trimester Book List
*Midnight-The New Prophecy Warriors Series, by Erin Hunter
*Closed for the Season by Mary Downing Hahn
*11 Birthdays by Wendy Mass
*Revolutionary War on Wednesday, by Mary Pope Osborne
*Charlotte's Web, by E.B. White
*Beastologist, by R.L. LaFevers
*The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle, by Avi
*Our Strange New Land-Elizabeth's Diary, by Patricia Hermes
*Riding Freedon, by Pam Muñoz Ryan
*Benjamin Franklin, by David Adler

Friday, June 3, 2011

Museum Field Trip

We had a great day at the museum today. Students learned a lot about David Thompson, the British explorer who traveled (and mapped) the entire Columbia River. Lewis and Clark even used some of his maps. I think everyone's favorite part of the field trip was paddling the canoes in the Columbia River. One canoe was "American" and one was "British." The American canoe won, when my group did it anyway. I hear the British won with other groups.
New Safety Patrol Members

We will begin training on Thursday, June 2nd. You will be observing the 5th graders perform the safety patrol duties this week and will begin training in the different stations next week. It is important to be here every day, both in the morning or afternoon. Students who are not responsible cannot be on safety patrol. All new Safety Patrol members must be at school by 7:30 a.m. and you will work after school until 3:05, Thursday and Friday. I will be making a schedule next week for training and the week after that for working.

If you have any questions, you may call me at 669-3154.

Mrs. Jagla

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Rocky Reach Dam

Yesterday was a great day to go to Rocky Reach Dam. We did have a little rain while we were at the discovery stations, outside, but the students still had an amazing time. They got to build dams, count fish, and learn about the optimum temperature fish like to live in. We then went into the dam and learned about saving electricity (we got to see the newest LED light bulbs that cost over $30 a piece but last 50,000 hours) and we toured the museum. It was a great day.

Today we have the BBQ and tomorrow we go to on our field trip to the Wenatchee Valley Museum.

Saturday, May 21, 2011


Okay, I tried the other blog, but I like this one better. I guess people will not be able to access it from school and that's okay. This is for you at home.

I would like to say THANK YOU to Mrs. Jobe who provided snacks for the fourth graders on each MSP testing day!

Well, we finally finish all the MSP testing. We are going to celebrate all our hard work next Friday. We will have a Pajama Party in the afternoon.

Homework next week will be the reading logs for my homeroom. '

Math: We are working on organizing data. Students will be working in groups to find way to organize data that makes sense and helps us look at data effectively. We will also be working on finding the range, median and mode for the data.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


I have a new blog. The Wenatchee School District does not allow blogspot access at school due to the amount of older students reading inappropriate blogs. For this reason, I have started using the WSD blog. You can find my new blog by going to the L&C home page, MEET THE STAFF, scroll down to my picture and click on Mrs. Jagla's Web site. The website gives you lots of information about fourth grade and you will find a link to my new blog, where I will post up-to-date information.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Homework 4/11-4/17

There is no math homework this week. Unfortunately, I am unable to be in school this week to prepare the math homework.

My classroom does have their reading logs to complete for the week.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Homework 3/14-3/25

I gave the students a math packet for homework this week. I wrote that it was due on Monday, March 21. However! After looking at the quantity of work I put in the packet, I have changed the due date to Friday, March 25.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Homework 3/7-3/13

Unfortunately, I have been sick this week and unable to get any homework together for the students. So, no math homework this week.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Venom Player Reads to the Eagles Math Group

Click on the link to watch one of the Wenatchee Venom players read to the Eagles Math Group in Mrs. Jagla's classroom. He did a great job and the students loved having him visit our room.

Don't forget, Saturday, March 5th, is Lewis and Clark night at the Wenatchee Venom football game: at the Town Toyota Center.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Watch our chants

I am placing links to our multiplication chants in the left-hand column.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What's happening in math now:

We are just completing our work with fractions, for the time being, and will begin division this week. We have been talking about division all year; how it's related to multiplication and fractions. The students will be learning what to do with those silly remainders, too.

Parent-Teacher Conference

Don't gets out at 11:45, March 2, for Spring Parent-Teacher Conferences.

Homework 2/28-3/4

There will be no math homework this week. Many students have turned in late homework and I need time to correct those in addition to my normal correcting. We have been working very hard, and I think, the students and I both deserve a break!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Chanting our Multiplication Facts

I have collected almost all of the permission slips to place our chanting videos on the Internet. I will let you know as soon as they are up. I know the students are very excited about it!

Homework 2/22-2/27

Last week we began our new reading at home logs. Students will still need to read for at least 30 minutes five times a week, to earn a level 3; however, they will also need to answer a question about their reading. For students in the Dual Language program, Monday and Wednesday's reading homework should be written in Spanish. Monday's reading should be a book of their choice, A.R., at their Spanish reading level.

Students received a math packet again this week. It includes basic math fluency practice for addition, subtraction, multiplication and working with fractions.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Homework 1/31-2/4

This week, students will be receiving a pack of basic facts. It will include addition, subtraction, multiplication and division problems. They will, also, receive flash cards for multiplication and division (we have not received these yet). They should practice with the flash cards for 10 minutes, then they should take one of the practice tests in the packet. Each practice test has 40 problems and students should time themselves for 2 minutes. They will then graph the amount of problems they answered correctly in 2 min. on the graph included in the packet. After graphing, they should complete any unanswered problems without timing themselves again.

Please check their practice test to make sure they are answering the problems correctly.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Multiplication Chants Videos

I'm sorry to say, but I'm having technical difficulty getting the video onto my computer. I will keep trying, but it will be several days. I may try to re-tape them with a different camera next week.

Homework Rubric

New Homework Rubric

Homework scores will now be based on the number of problems correct out of the total number of problems (fractions) and then converted to percents.

90 - 100% = Level 4
75 - 89% = Level 3
60 - 74% = Level 2
0 - 59% = Level 1

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Homework 1/18-1/23

Monday: No school or homework

Tuesday: No. Corner pages 60-62

Wednesday: Practice for Math Olympics

Thursday: Bridges Student Workbook: pp. 44-45
Choose one of the problem solving activities on page 44, circle the letter.
On page 45, write the letter of the problem you are solving and why. Then, solve the
problem. You do not need base ten paper. You can draw your sketch and labels on the
room provided on page 45.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Math Club

Math Club has been canceled today. A lot of students thought it was Monday today and were not prepared to come. I had students call home to let their parents know they would not be attending Math Club. I am truly sorry for any confusion this has caused.

Homework 1/10-1/14/11

Monday: No homework today because we had an assessment on area and perimeter. We will be using the information to see who understands the concepts and who needs more help.

Tuesday: Again, no homework today because I only had two out of the three groups today. It's art day for the Eagles and the Wolves. However, be prepared for work in your number corner books tomorrow.

Wednesday: No homework

Thursday: Number Corner book-pp. 55-57