In school, 4th graders typically face new challenges and expectations. For example, 4th graders are expected to have made the shift from "learning to read" to "reading to learn." ~Mike Anderson (Educational Leadership: Vol. 68, issue 7)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Homework 11/14/11-11/20/11

Mrs. Jagla's class:Reading every night for 30 minutes.

Math groups: Unfortunately we were testing all day Monday (reading and math), I am at a training on Tuesday and not in the class, and we will be taking a district required math test on Wedsnesday-we will not be having homework on Monday or Tuesday.

Most students still need to work on their basic math facts, so I will be sending practice sheets home on Wednesday and Friday for homework.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Homework 11/6-11/9

Reading every night for 30 minutes.

There is no math homework this week because we are testing during class.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Bingo Baskets are due this Friday, November 4th. However, I am behind on everything and have not done a good job promoting the baskets, thus we only have the items I have brought for it. I talked to Mrs. Talbot, who is in charge of the baskets, and I can turn my in next week.

SO, please send items in for our KITCHEN BASKET by next Friday. If you don't have the time to shop, just send in $2.00 for the basket fund. It will help us a lot.

Thanks for your support. Bingo Night is so much fun and we want all the baskets to be worth winning!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Homework 10/31-11/4

Number Corner pp. 13-14 Students will be using their multiplication strategies to solve problems featuring 4s and 5s.

Number Corner pp. 15-16

No homework because we are still working on the class activity.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Homework 10/24-10/28

Monday: Home Connection #13
This homework will not due until Wednesday because one group did not get it yet and a lot of students still have questions about it. We will be going over it, in class, on Tuesday.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Homework 10/3-10/7

Águilas-Number Corner book page 5
Wolves and Jaguars-Number Corner Book pages 5 & 6

No homework

Águilas: No. Corner pages 6, 7 & 8
Wolves and Jaguars: No. Corner pages 7 & 8

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Homework 9/26-9/30

There is no homework this week because we are learning new skills in math and I will not be at school Wednesday through Friday because I am in Kansas, Mo., working on math for the state of Washington.

Students in each group received a progress report or Tuesday or Wednesday. They need to be signed and returned to school the next day.

Thanks for your understanding.