In school, 4th graders typically face new challenges and expectations. For example, 4th graders are expected to have made the shift from "learning to read" to "reading to learn." ~Mike Anderson (Educational Leadership: Vol. 68, issue 7)

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Homework 1/31-2/4

This week, students will be receiving a pack of basic facts. It will include addition, subtraction, multiplication and division problems. They will, also, receive flash cards for multiplication and division (we have not received these yet). They should practice with the flash cards for 10 minutes, then they should take one of the practice tests in the packet. Each practice test has 40 problems and students should time themselves for 2 minutes. They will then graph the amount of problems they answered correctly in 2 min. on the graph included in the packet. After graphing, they should complete any unanswered problems without timing themselves again.

Please check their practice test to make sure they are answering the problems correctly.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Multiplication Chants Videos

I'm sorry to say, but I'm having technical difficulty getting the video onto my computer. I will keep trying, but it will be several days. I may try to re-tape them with a different camera next week.

Homework Rubric

New Homework Rubric

Homework scores will now be based on the number of problems correct out of the total number of problems (fractions) and then converted to percents.

90 - 100% = Level 4
75 - 89% = Level 3
60 - 74% = Level 2
0 - 59% = Level 1

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Homework 1/18-1/23

Monday: No school or homework

Tuesday: No. Corner pages 60-62

Wednesday: Practice for Math Olympics

Thursday: Bridges Student Workbook: pp. 44-45
Choose one of the problem solving activities on page 44, circle the letter.
On page 45, write the letter of the problem you are solving and why. Then, solve the
problem. You do not need base ten paper. You can draw your sketch and labels on the
room provided on page 45.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Math Club

Math Club has been canceled today. A lot of students thought it was Monday today and were not prepared to come. I had students call home to let their parents know they would not be attending Math Club. I am truly sorry for any confusion this has caused.

Homework 1/10-1/14/11

Monday: No homework today because we had an assessment on area and perimeter. We will be using the information to see who understands the concepts and who needs more help.

Tuesday: Again, no homework today because I only had two out of the three groups today. It's art day for the Eagles and the Wolves. However, be prepared for work in your number corner books tomorrow.

Wednesday: No homework

Thursday: Number Corner book-pp. 55-57