In school, 4th graders typically face new challenges and expectations. For example, 4th graders are expected to have made the shift from "learning to read" to "reading to learn." ~Mike Anderson (Educational Leadership: Vol. 68, issue 7)

Monday, November 29, 2010

Homework 11/29-12/5

Today's homework is a double-sided worksheet. During math, we practiced making tables to organize our thinking when solving word problems. Students will be solving two word problems using tables to organize their work.

Tuesday & Wednesday:
Today's homework (Tuesday) is a double-sided worksheet. It is a continuation of yesterday's math lesson when we made tables to organize our thinking to solve word problems. Student will need to solve the problem on each side of the worksheet, making tables to show their thinking.

Only the Jaguars received the homework today because I forgot to give it to Mrs. Woodley's students and I didn't see Mrs. Alto's students. So...these two classes will get it on Wednesday and my students will not receive homework tomorrow.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Homework 11/22-11/28

As I sit in the airport, waiting for my flight to Miami, I realized I hadn't posted homework for the week. See, I'm thinking of you.

Monday: number corner pages 31-33
Tuesday: pages 34-36
Wednesday: pages 37-39

Your book will be collected Monday, November 29. I did remember to write the assignments on the whiteboard, so no excuses.

I miss everyone already!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Progress Reports

I will be sending progress reports home with the Jaguar group, my home room, today. Hopefully, I will send progress reports home with Mrs. Alto and Mrs. Woodley's classes tomorrow.

The last day of the first trimester is November 30. Report cards will be sent home on Friday, Dec. 10. The progress reports will be the last one to go out before report cards.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Homework 11/15-11/21

There will be worksheets each night this week. They are to be completed on the day they are given and returned the following day. We are reviewing concepts we have already worked on this year.

Students will be identifying the place value of large numbers. For example: 32,814,759 the 32 is millions, 814 is thousands, and 759 are hundreds.

Some students will be taking home a worksheet with basic math facts on it. They are to complete the worksheet and bring it back tomorrow. Also, some students did not finish their "problem-solving" worksheet in class today and will be finishing them at home tonight.

Last week we looked at the strategies for multiplying by 8's and 9's. Today students will practice those strategies and will represent the factors and products on an area grid.

Today students will be identifying the place value of digits in a large number. For example:
32,814,759 the 3 is ten millions, 2 is millions, 8is hundred thousands, 1 is ten thousands, 4 is thousands, 7 is hundreds, 5 is tens and the 9 is ones.

Students will be reviewing "measuring with centimeters." They will have 2 worksheets. The first sheet is to be cut out and taped together to make a centimeter ruler. This is to be used to measure items around the house, that are listed on the second worksheet, and recorded. Hopefully students have fun with this activity.

As usual, students should read for 30 minutes every day during the week and hopefully some time on the weekend. This is the best way to become better readers. The reading logs are due on Monday, November 22.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Veterans' Day Wall

As many of you know, the fourth graders have been learning why we take time off school to honor the men and women who have served in one of the military branches. We have created our own Veterans' Wall with the name of friends and family members who have served, or are currently serving, our country in the military.

If you would like to add a name to the wall, you may press the "comment" link below and tell me the name, what branch of the military the person served (serves) in, and if he or she was part of a war. We have people on our wall from WWII through the Iraq war and some who are currently serving in the military. We will have the wall up through the month of November and you are more than welcome to come in and see it for yourself. It is located next to room 306.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Substitute November 22-24

I wanted to let you know that I will not be here the week before Thanksgiving, November 22, 23, and 24. I will be going to Miami to visit family. I hope that everyone has a safe and happy Thanksgiving Holiday.

Homework 11/8-11/14

Monday: Number Corner book, pp. 22-24
On pages 22 & 23, student will be working on strategies for multiplying by six. One strategy is to think of multiplying by three and then double it.
For example:

This strategy helps students break the problem down in to smaller factors they feel more comfortable with. Another great strategy you can do at home is to have your student skip count by sixes. 6,12,18,24,32...

Tuesday: Number Corner book, pp. 25-27
Pages 25 & 26 work on strategies for multiplying by 8. Students who have a hard time with the eights can think about multiplying by fours than doubling (x2).
For example:
8x7=(4x7)2 or 8x7=(4x7)+(4x7)
8x7=(28)x2 8x7=28+28
8x7=56 8x7=56

Another strategy: Since 2 times 2 times 2 is 8; doubling 3 times great! (p.25 of book)
8x7= 7 doubled 3 times
Double once: 7+7=14
Double twice: 14+14=28
Double three times: 28+28=56

On page 27, students will be working on problem solving.

Wednesday: Number Corner book, pp. 28-30
Pages 28 & 29 are working with strategies for multiplying with 9s. The one mentioned is multiplying by 10, than subtracting.
For example:

There are many strategies for multiplying by 9 and your child may use the one that works best for him or her.

Page 30 is solving word problems. These are important because students need to understand how to read the problem, identify what the question is asking them to do and know what steps they need to take to find the solution. Many of these problems have more than one step and students need to perform all of them.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Homework 11/1-11/5

Monday: There is no homework today.

Tuesday: No homework because some groups did not get to practice the math in class enough to do it alone at home.

Wednesday: Same as Tuesday.

Thursday: A Home Connection worksheet. Students are to practice identifying the dimensions and area of an array created with base 10 pieces.

Friday-Sunday: Don't forget to read this weekend.